Aqua Teenager Hunger Force/Cybernetic Ghost out-of Xmas Prior on the Upcoming

Cybernetic Ghost away from Xmas Earlier in the Future is the 18th episode of the original year out-of Aqua Adolescent Cravings Force.


  • 1 Area Assessment
  • dos Cards
  • 3 Arc Invention
  • 3.step 1 Events
  • step 3.2 Letters
  • step three.step 3 Referbacks
  • cuatro.1 New Show
  • 4.2 Behind-the-scenes
  • 4.3 Allusions and Recommendations
  • 4.4 Joyous Moments

Spot Analysis

A large give comes down about sky and takes Dr. Weird’s research. Dr. Weird and you will Steve avoid just after a while.

Carl is actually sleeping inside the place as he try awakened by the a robotic one to claims to be the Ghost of Xmas Prior. He’s got arrive at reveal Carl exactly what Christmas time was for example to own Carl in 1968. An excellent flashback suggests an early Carl and his dad. Carl opens up his “present”, that he dreams are a beneficial “new mom”, but instead are a bit of burba carpeting, which apparently are his restaurants. Carl’s dad claims that it’s time to visit functions and you may to have Carl to wear their respirator. Out of the blue a lot of grand spiders stomp the space and you may capture lazers almost everywhere. Carl remebers restaurants carpet, although not new lazers and you will robots. The newest ghost states that the reason he will not remember they while the it had been only a great prophecy, in the future, for the past has actually occured. Carl reminds this new robot that it is not Christmas time after all, but in facts February. The fresh new bot actually leaves during the an affect off cig, claiming he’s going to return.

Grasp Move comes up to inform Carl you to their pond was laden with blood. Frylock identifies that it is elfin bloodstream. Brand new ghost arrives and you may tells them that he’s in charge toward blood. Frylock asks your as to why, and then he goes in a story discussing how many thousands of years before, a keen ape titled “Sir Santa of Claus” that enslaved elves and work out toys, following turned destroyed and centered their home on real room in which Carl’s domestic currently lies. Meatwad is frightened your whole facts holds true, however, Frylock assures your that it’s not true. The latest ghost transform their facts, stating Santa has grown to become a machine. Frylock reminds brand new ghost that he nevertheless has not informed me brand new elf bloodstream, and then he states it absolutely was as a result of the “high curcuiting”. Then he extends back into a special tale, and you may talks to the night, ending with a conclusion regarding in which infants come from-having hosts. Anyone provides dropped sleep, however, Meatwad has been engaged in conversation having your. When they wake up Frylock, it reveal that Carl’s domestic are constructed on elf graves, while the ghost is actually haunting they just like the Carl desecrated brand new land. The only way to end it’s for Carl supply himself sexually with the Higher Reddish Ape.

Carl do much as an alternative escape regardless if, very the guy bags his packages. The guy gets willing to have a shower to prepare to have specific potential buyers to have their home, but turns out shielded inside elfin blood. He looks like demonstrating our home so you’re able to Glenn Danzig. He shows you the characteristics of the property and shrieking robot that accompanies it, and reveals him the latest pond, nevertheless filled up with blood, and that gets Danzig looking buying the family. The guy requests for an amount, and you will allows Carl’s render out-of a million. The guy works sprinklers hence jet bloodstream throughout the yard and you may house, and you will appear off to the new Aqua Teens’ house, seeking the bot. Move states the guy has never seen your, however, really does reveal Danzig a troubled kitchen, which is Meatwad safeguarded in the an excellent blanket into lighting flipping off and on, to try to get Danzig to invest in their residence. Danzig will get resentful and you may renders. Meatwad says to the newest ghost in the future from the hallway. New ghost says that he’s freaked-out from the Danzig, and you may Move purchases your to help make the house bleed. >>